Offence Rejected

Scripture Reading - Acts 24:16 KJV

And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.

We know in today’s society it is very common to have an issue with someone else. How often do we hear in the media that two people are at odds with each other? As a matter of fact there are TV and radio shows on all the time that feed on opposing opinions. These popularity ratings do indicate that the majority of the people that watch TV or those who listen intently to talk radio prefer strife over agreement. This huge problem is causing a lot of discord in our earth and also in the Body of Christ. Yes, if people remain divided both sides will fall. We can remember the scripture in Mark 3:24-25 KJV which states, “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” These verses are both saying being divided precedes falling whether a whole nation or just two people who were once united. The problem that many do not see is that strife causes pain and/or heartache in at least three beings not just one. What we (ihlcc) mean by that is being “offended” hurts the person who started the process with “offensive behavior” and it will always hurts the person who received the negative words or improper behavior but even more importantly it hurts the heart of God. The Lord wants us to be mindful of exactly what we are speaking to others and what we are receiving from others too. God reminds us not to take “offence” because it is like poisoning your own soul. Why, is having an “offence” so bad? It is primarily because being “offended” puts a wall between you and God and secondarily it also puts a wall between you and the other person. Now many people are looking for the natural wall but that is not what we are talking about. No, we are talking more about a spiritual wall that encloses the captive within. Yes, this spiritual wall looks like a tall well that has no limit on height or depth. Of course one can always breath and get water but it is not the proper way for one to live their life whether Christian or nonbeliever. Certainly if someone doesn’t know they are snared the problem is more complicated (compounded) and this is why we (ihlcc) strongly recommend guarding your heart against all “offences”. “Offences” come in all shapes and size so be mindful to recognize any “offence” and reject all “offences” in Mighty Name of Jesus. For the record we understand that many people don’t even realize when they are “offended” so a few examples are given next: Would you rather avoid a certain person rather than see them? “Offense” is the problem! Would you like to give a certain someone a good piece of your mind in terms of letting them know how you really feel? “Offence” is the problem! Have you mentioned a certain someone in a negative way when having a conversation with someone else? “Offence” is the problem! Do you think lesser of another because their actions or words towards you? “Offence” is probably the problem! If the thought of not talking to a certain someone seems like a good idea to you, “offence” is the problem! Do you hold your parents accountable for the wrongs they did to you as a child? “Offence” is the problem! Likewise, do certain parents hold their very own children responsible for their own happiness? “Offence” is the problem! We could name more but the principle is this, “Any ill will or contrary feeling you have in your heart (which includes your spirit and soul) toward another is considered an “offence” and one offence alone if not properly overcome can lead to both pre-mature physical death and also eternal spiritual death (total separation/isolation from God). Yes, some people are even “offended” at God because they believe The Lord hasn’t been good to them. This is why the reference verse for today states that the Apostle Paul wouldn’t keep any “offence” toward both God and man. There are times of disappointment or unanswered questions in trying to understanding everything that is going on in your life but never blame God for your hardships and struggles. Moreover, never ever entertain the thought that God is not working faithfully on your behalf, for The Lord’s heart is to do you good all the time because He Loves you so much. The truth is God is always trying to do you good but we must submit to His Word and operate continuously in His Love to see the positive results of His Love. This why we are emphasizing the fact of keeping an “offence” is very dangerous because the wall around that “offended person” keeps God out and also keeps others from coming in. God created us to love Him and others so building a wall of “offence” keeping both God and people out we immediately know is not the will of your Heavenly Father. Yes, being “offended” will always cost you something we can only hope that the cost isn’t much for you to pay? Plus, who really knows the cost you must pay for being “offended” only God truly knows what the cost of humanity and sin amounts to. In our own lives we can remember certain occasions where being “offended” cost us our good health for a season. In another case it cost us a personal relationship with a friend because the person became “offend” at our words and decided to not speak with us again, period. The bad part about that personal situation was that the conversation didn’t have to take place, we were referred to this individual by someone else in our family. We thought we could help but the individually clearly didn’t solicit our help, so we have learned since then only offer good information to those who ask for it because there are some people who don’t care for your counsel and you definitely need to know the difference of when to share and when to just shut-up. In summary we (ihlcc) want to leave you with this dominate thought, “If God is blocked from helping you because of an “offence” who is the “offence” really hurting you or God?” The correct answer is both because you are stopping God’s Will from being done in your life and God is sadden when He can’t minister to you the way He should. Remember, The Lord wants to hold you closely in His Arms so a wall of separation limits God’s fellowship and love from being shown directly towards you. We must remember that God is a divine being and He is your Father, He loves you compassionately and continuously, so He craves your fellowship. So if being “offended” causes some disruption in your fellowship with your Heavenly Father and Jesus is it not better to remove the “offence” rather than removing God’s help and fellowship from your life? Of course the correct answer is God stays and any “offense” must go in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!